
So many people had uplifting speeches. Hard to have a highlight reel as even very many of the smaller speeches were great.

The Dems have shown that they are the Big tent party.... come all and feel welcomed.

I don't recall any Dems speaking at the republican convention - lol. Here you at the Dem convention you had many impassioned republicans speaking.

The differences in attitude between the Dems and whatever is left of the republican party is stark. It blows my mind that this is even close.

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The Dems left an opening for Trump by siding with the biggest corporations on outsourcing to China and allowing so many to cross the border so that those corporations can drive down wages for the poorest Americans. Black Americans in particular.

What happened to the party that was for ordinary people? It's like there's only a shell left. I'm not saying the Republican party was traditionally any better that way, but no one should be surprised that Trump stepped into that gap and got a huge following by saying the very things that Democrats used to say, but don't anymore.

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trump has never delivered...he's all talk. He will say anything that he thinks will get him votes. To a crypto crowd he promises to buy bitcoin for a strategic reserve. To the Libertarians he promised to pardon Ross Ulbricht, (drug dealer serving a life imprisonment sentence).

Stepping into the huge gap of unserved people - well, this is the criticism of both parties.

I do not believe that people crossing the border are the cause for driving down wages for poorer people. If immigrants took jobs away from large numbers of minority workers, one would expect to find higher minority unemployment rates in those parts of the country with larger numbers of immigrants. However, this is not the case. The idea of mass hordes crossing the border to steal jobs and rob and rape people is also not the case...but is something trump is using to get votes with the oldest trick in the book: us vs them.

I voted Sanders in the 2020 primary as he is a voice for the unserved. BUT...right now, any reasonable person's objective who wants to go forward is to get Harris elected and put a final end to this idiotic era of trumpism.

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Well I don't think Trumpism is going away with or without Trump until the Democratic Party gets back to really being on the side of ordinary working people like they used to be.

Most billionaires are now Democrats. That's not a good sign and not the party I grew up with.

I'm pretty sure that black wages suffer directly from illegal immigration. There's a story of a chicken processing plant in Chicago that had to hire from the local black community after an INS raid depleted their workforce - and they hired local blacks at twice the wages they were paying before.

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So tell me plainly...which side of the fence are you on?

Trumpism will go away...but, it will be replaced by something else.

I gave it a go personally with Occupy....but that was a frustration.

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I'm an old-school Democrat and will remain one no matter what.

I want my party back.

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